I want to root my shiny and new Nokia 8 64GB, running mostly pure Android 8.0.

This will later become part of the "how to root" series we have as a CW, following the wisdom of this meta.


2 Answers 2


Update April 23, 2018: I just found it possible to unlock the bootloader for certain HMD Nokia phones, according to this post on XDA forum.

Do it at your own risk.

So far HMD Nokia is not root-able, that's because HMD doesn't want to let the bootloader of Nokia 8 be unlockable. Without an unlocked bootloader, it's impossible to root a device (let alone system vulnerabilities - that's an ancient thing).

Don't attempt with any "This Root" or "That Root" tools or tutorials found online. They won't work for a rather new Android version (8.0). On the contrary they may harm the system in unknown ways.

Here is a post on XDA Forum concerning about rooting Nokia 8. The result is the same: not possible so far.

I'll update this answer if things change.


at this moment there is no way to root the nokia 8 because of the locked bootloader it has.

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