My Huawei Mercury M886 fell out of my lap when getting out of the car and it got run over...
Its not rooted. The screen is completely shattered off and I cant use the touchscreen or buttons so I cant get passed the lock screen.
I was able to get about half my contacts from my back up in April on the wireless server from Cricket, and I don't use the Gmail back up and purposely did it that way. I plugged my phone into the computer but I cant access the phone at all since I have to choose the USB/Computer option from the phone itself.
Anyone know of how I can get to them? They are not on the SD card either. I need a way to access the phone without using the touchscreen. Is there a way to sync the Android phone to PC without using the touchscreen?
I don't have my phone password protected. It seems as though that the Android can do everything except retrieve information without using the touch screen...this is a HUGE problem...very impracticable for bad situations.
adb install
some VNC or the like, or trigger the right intent to export the data, or copy the database into some Android Emulator and use the contacts app there to export... Once rooted, the possibilities are many. And even if, it wouldn't be that complicated.