I moved the question from https://stackoverflow.com/q/15872848/1665807

I have a rooted Huawei u8825d phone.I want to know if there were no apk files in "/system/app/" folder.

So,I moved these apk files from /system/app/ to internal sd-card.When I tried to reboot the phone,it didn't succeed.I hanged up with a white screen.

Then I tried to push the apk files from the internal sd-card into the /system/app/ folder by using "adb".

D:\MTH\update>adb devices

List of devices attached

78F5FD6420D5 device

D:\MTH\update>adb remount

remount failed: Operation not permitted

Then,in another way,

D:\MTH\update>adb shell mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system

mount: Operation not permitted

This is another way.

D:\MTH\update>adb shell

shell@android:/ $ su


Segmentation fault

139|shell@android:/ $
  • 1
    Bad luck. Without the SuperUser/SuperSU app installed, you can hardly su -- and since you removed all system apps from /system/apps, there is none left. This means you're in a "doom loop": in order to get your files back to /system, you need to remount /system. To do that, you need to su, for which you need the files in /system/apps... I'd say you probably will end up flashing your ROM again.
    – Izzy
    Commented Apr 9, 2013 at 7:55

1 Answer 1


Root access or SuperUser is an apk that resides in /system/app. If you remove it with the rest of the apps, you lose root. As a possible workaround, you can try to run:

> adb root
> adb shell

And see if the shell that adb opens is $ (normal user) or # (root). If you're logged as a normal user, I'm afraid you will need to reinstall root in your phone.

Also, /system/app is like C:\Windows or /bin (in Linux), if you remove the files there, don't expect the device to run, as it won't have the necessary files to do so.

  • As I wrote above: with no SuperUser/SuperSU running, John will most likely end up having to re-flash. Though the su itself in in a different location (/system/bin or /system/xbin), it usually also needs SuperUser/SuperSU to get a root prompt. And the latter he just successfully removed. One thing he could try is creating a suitable update.zip to be flashed from recovery.
    – Izzy
    Commented Apr 9, 2013 at 8:01

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