I've been trying for a few weeks to root my android device. I'm running a ZTE Whirl 2 (Z667G) and none of the 25 one-click root programs have worked on it. I've given up on that path.
So I started researching rooting with ADB but I've had so many different problems there. Here are all the different methods I've tried, and their error messages:
psneuter: 'Failed to set prot mask: inappropriate ioctl for device'
zergRush: does nothing at all
adb root: 'adbd cannot run as root in production builds'
adb remount: 'remount failed: operation not permitted'
mount -o remount,rw /system: 'mount: operation not permitted'
All I'm trying to do here is remove the useless system apps from /system/app
. I'd like to root my phone but the main reason I'm doing so is to get that crap off my device. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me!