I've got an alarm set daily on my Galaxy S3 with the briefing alarm type selected in my alarm's settings with all three briefing content items selected (weather, today's schedule, and news).

However, when the alarm begins, it shows the weather, today's schedule, and news onscreen, it plays a brief melody, then it plays the alarm sound I used previously (ticktac alarm), when it should be speaking the items aloud.

I've tried rebooting the phone and deleting and recreating the alarm, but I cannot get the phone to speak the items aloud. Any thoughts?

  • Have you checked your device's TTS settings? It might have trouble with the voice engine, or with the language being configured.
    – Izzy
    Commented Apr 10, 2013 at 13:36

2 Answers 2


With the tip from Izzy, I was able to determine that the problem was that I didn't have Samsung TTS as my preferred TTS engine.

To fix this, go to Settings > Language and input > Text-to-speech output, and you can select Samsung TTS there (mine was set to Google Text-to-speech Engine).


Well, I was mistaken apparently. My alarm has reverted back to showing the news and weather and playing my old alarm. I'm assuming this is a bug at this point, unless someone can find a solution.


Select driving mode in settings

  • 1
    Could you expand your answer and explain how to do this? Just from your answer, I do not know what you are suggesting. Commented Apr 15, 2015 at 15:57

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