For reasons beyond my control, I need to stick with the original stock email client that came with my CyanogenMod 6 phone (Froyo).

(by "stick with" I mean only the so called "package name", not that particular version)

I know that there are superior email clients out there on Google Play, but all I want at this point is to stick with the same client and only update it to a later version.

My problem is... I can't find it anywhere on Google Play as it doesn't have any distinct name other than the generic "Email" and this icon.

Is there a way to identify this app and find it on Google Play (or other Android markets)?

  • 1
    Pretty sure it's not distributed on Google Play. Commented Jun 30, 2013 at 16:48
  • I think @eldarerathis is right. Unless you find a website that lets you download various versions of that Email app, your best bet is to find another phone with the version that you want, attach adb via USB and copy that APK over.
    – Souper
    Commented Jun 30, 2013 at 17:49


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