I've got a stock, non-rooted Nexus 4 which I updated to Jelly Bean 4.3 when the OTA update came out a month or more ago. Just today I got another message that there was a system update available. It said it would update to 4.3, and I double-checked (and took a screenshot), and confirmed I already had it in "About phone."

Nonetheless, I went ahead with the update to get rid of the notification, and it went through the usual process. The before and after screenshots of the about screen confirm that I had the exact same Android, Baseband, and Kernel versions, as well as the same Build Number. I can't find any differences after the update. Does anyone know why this might have happened?

Before screenshot, taken 2013-08-23 16:28:04, before the update was started about a minute later:

enter image description here

After screenshot, taken 2013-08-23 16:36:14 after the update finished and it restarted.

enter image description here

  • 1
    are you sure it is not an update to 4.3? They do release patches to the OS that do not increase the "major/minor" (4.3) version numbers. Commented Aug 23, 2013 at 23:13
  • @RyanConrad - That's what I thought before I did the update, and in order to figure out the difference, took the before and after screenshots. It seemed pretty weird when they were 100% identical. I'll add them to the question.
    – kevinmicke
    Commented Aug 23, 2013 at 23:21

1 Answer 1


The before and after screenshots of the about screen confirm that I had the exact same Android, Baseband, and Kernel versions, as well as the same Build Number

Actually, they do not. The first screenshot shows a build number of JWR66V, and the second is JWR66Y. An official changelog has not been released, but T-Mobile's documentation indicates that the update contains "security" updates. You can also find some (unofficial) discussion of the actual code commits in this article. So although the version number was not incremented, it is a different build than you previously had.

  • Sharp eye indeed...can't believe I missed that. I was comparing them on my phone by flipping them back and forth in the gallery, but apparently I need to pay more attention. Thanks.
    – kevinmicke
    Commented Aug 24, 2013 at 0:38
  • 1
    Also: cultofandroid.com/40006/…
    – ale
    Commented Aug 24, 2013 at 0:40

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