I've got this app which shows network signal strength as a positive integer value btw 5 and 35. Another app uses negative integers like -99dbm.

Is there a way to convert the positive values (unit unknown) to dbm?

  • are you sure about the 5..35 range? the other popular unit for signal strength is ASU (Arbitrary Strength Unit) and its range for GSM networks is 0..31
    – user23414
    Commented Feb 17, 2014 at 15:16
  • Yeah. Thanks. The values were given in steps of five e.g 0-5, 6-10... Found the formula: dBm = 2 × ASU - 113, ASU in the range of 0..31 and 99 (for not known or not detectable). Commented Feb 17, 2014 at 16:20

1 Answer 1


dBm = (2 × ASU) - 113 ASU in the range of 0-31 and 99 (for not known or not detectable).

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