For security reasons, I want to be able to specify two lock passwords (or patterns) as follows :

One for normal unlocking the device.

Another one if entered, the device will factory reset itself (and maybe format the SD)

I want this to happen from the main Android lock screen, but with two passwords.

  • Interesting request. This would require a device administrator, as normal applications do not have this access. Personally, I don't know of any apps that have this support... Commented Aug 7, 2014 at 17:07

4 Answers 4


I do not know of any application that does what you request. Maybe "After Unlock" has a feature like that.

What I would do is make an Android application that is fired after unlocking the phone. The application would request a new password and if it is entered correctly do the factory reset and format the SD if needed.

Check this project for an example of how this could be done: myLock


Its possible with device admin & setting password policy. Im not sure I can post some sample code here or not as this site not for codes , for ex

mDevicePolicyManager.setMaximumFailedPasswordsForWipe(mCameraAdminReceiver, 2);
  • @MIH1406 If you want more help regarding code I can help you out.
    – mvnpavan
    Commented Aug 11, 2014 at 11:34
  • This site is intended for end-user questions, so I would guess that the OP was not looking for code. Commented Aug 18, 2014 at 19:18

Well, personally I don't think that there is any application that can help you in putting the lock over your device when wrong password is entered your device gets factory reset. But yes I have seen that function available over the HTC one M8, if you put the password over the HTC M8 wrong for 5 times it gives you the warning and if you put the password wrong for 10 times then the device automatically factory reset your device. I would say it's not possible to till data but I think if you are hungry for the function like, you can either try creating and application which can do so (but I think that would be whole tough mess) or try getting an HTC one M8.


You might need to root your phone and find a way to add another password. You might need programming knowledge for this.

  • Down voted simply because it is entirely obvious. If you gave sample code or linked to a successful example, the answer would be have been up voted instead.
    – pheidlauf
    Commented Aug 13, 2014 at 13:17

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