I recently upgraded my Android to 4.4.4 via 4.3.? When I was on 4.2.* I had no problem either uploading apks and pictures via usb nor via adb install / push.
Symptoms below, any help appreciated. I'd rather not have to root the phone but if I must I must...
Since I upgraded the USB upload has started to act strangely:
- I can download any file
- I can upload text files
- I cannot upload apks
- I cannot upload apks renamed to .txt
- I cannot upload xml, jpg or anything other than plain text
- It is not a size issue I can upload large text files
- I've tried both MSC and MTP modes.
- I've tried different PC's and cables
- If I try to upload a binary from windows 7 copy dialog that stays on screen forever doing nothing or sometimes the storage resets on the phone and it errors.
ADB has stopped working from within eclipse I get:
[2014-10-07 19:14:25 - BluetoothTest] ------------------------------
[2014-10-07 19:14:25 - BluetoothTest] Android Launch!
[2014-10-07 19:14:25 - BluetoothTest] adb is running normally.
[2014-10-07 19:14:25 - BluetoothTest] Performing uk.co.dossytronics.bluetoothtest.MainActivity activity launch
[2014-10-07 19:14:40 - BluetoothTest] Uploading BluetoothTest.apk onto device 'CB5A1PVTNA'
[2014-10-07 19:14:46 - BluetoothTest] Failed to install BluetoothTest.apk on device 'CB5A1PVTNA': An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
[2014-10-07 19:14:46 - BluetoothTest] java.io.IOException: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
[2014-10-07 19:14:46 - BluetoothTest] Launch canceled!
From the command line: C:\android-dev\sdk\platform-tools>adb -s CB5A1PVTNA install c:\users\dominic\workspace\BluetoothTest\bin\BluetoothTest.apk
protocol failure
error: device not found
- waiting for device -
rm failed for /data/local/tmp/BluetoothTest.apk, No such file or directory