
I have a new Redmi 2 Pro and I am unable to sign in to my google account. I have Android 4.4.4 KTU84P version and MIUI 77.00.99.

I'v already tried to login with other google accounts, I disabled 2-step-verification and DisplayUnlockCaptcha. I Cleared data/cache of play store, account manager, service framework. All tries were unsuccessful. I can login to my gmail through the browser on my phone.

The error message: Couldn't sign in/There was a problem communicating with Google servers/ Try again.

Apps used to sign in: Google Account Manager 4.4.4-1227136 and Google Play store version 5.4.12 (these apps are initially installed on the phone)

Steps to sign in on the phone:

  1. Add google account -> Existing account -> user+password -> error message

  2. Start Google Play Store -> Existing account -> user+password -> error message


After a long night search, I found out that the phone came with a vendor specific ROM, namely The official version looks like So, I'm thinking to flash the ROM. I have no idea what else is installed beside the official package.


2 Answers 2


Actually the problem was with the ROM, Gearbest replaced the official one with a buggy one. I flashed the latest stable global ROM MIUI with a little trick described by Bilhouse in the miui global forum here

The steps are as follows:

  1. downloaded the Latest Stable Global ROM from here for Redmi 2 version 2014813 file: wt88047_global_images_V7.1.1.0.KHJMICK_20151209.0000.6_4.4_global

  2. downloaded the China ROM for mobile version 2014811, I used the one mentioned in this post here. file name wt86047_images_5.4.3_4.4_cn_94aabfc129

  3. from the China ROM I copied NON-HLOS.bin file and replaced the one in the Global ROM - if you don't do this than you wont have a functional network module and you wont be able to connect to any network.

  4. Flashed the ROM with fastbool as described in my first link.

  5. At my first try of flashing, I encountered an error massage: mismatching image and device in fastboot, which I solved by changing the name of the folder from wt88047... to wt86047... after this I was able to flash the ROM and tired again but this time the folder name should start as ti was originally wt88047...

  • Redmi 2 Pro is also called at some places Redmi 2 2GB RAM/16GB or Redmi 2 Enhanced.
    – Elod
    Commented Jan 11, 2016 at 9:19

1.- Root your device (of course)

2.- Editing the file

You will need a proper editor

On your device open your browser and go to: www.ghisler.com/android.htm

Download and Install Total Commander for Android... and open it


3.- Browse with Total Commander to root/etc

(hint: on the right side of the screen there's a shortcut to system folder.. look for etc/ and you will find it)

Long tap on "hosts" > edit file > Totalcmd-Editor

Open etc/hosts and edit the file. Just put # before android.clients.google.com.


Edited file should look like this: localhost android.clients.google.com

remember: based on my own observation it should be look like this: one space)localhost one space)android.clients.google.com

5.- Turn OFF your device.

6.- Got it on Recovery Mode

7.- Factory reset, wipe data.

  1. Reboot your device.

  2. Once the phone reboots, input your google account information when the phone asks for it.

10.- Sync to your account and contacts


  1. Make sure you have a ROOT ACCESS on your Device.

  2. Install Root Explorer, Run App, Grant SU Access.

  3. Browse root / etc... at the top of your screen you will see mount R/O and mount R/W...

4.Tap mount R/W

5.Look for host file, long press it and open with text editor.

  1. just Add # (pound sign) on the first number.

like this: one space)android.clients.google.com

SAVE IT and Reboot.

  • 2
    So, you also forgot to mention the source and give appropriate credit to author(s), right? Follow How to reference material written by others
    – Firelord
    Commented Jan 7, 2016 at 17:44
  • I'v already seen this advice elsewhere, but I am not professional in Android but I'm using Linux, so I choose not to try yet. Please tell me what actually means this modification. # is commenting that line, if yes, why do I have to do that, is the given IP address wrong? I'm a programmer, please take into consideration in your answer.
    – Elod
    Commented Jan 8, 2016 at 10:33
  • @Elod there is what we call rooting your phone link
    – Oma Nic
    Commented Jan 8, 2016 at 21:21

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