I have a new Redmi 2 Pro and I am unable to sign in to my google account.
I have Android 4.4.4 KTU84P
version and MIUI 77.00.99
I'v already tried to login with other google accounts, I disabled 2-step-verification and DisplayUnlockCaptcha. I Cleared data/cache of play store, account manager, service framework. All tries were unsuccessful. I can login to my gmail through the browser on my phone.
The error message: Couldn't sign in/There was a problem communicating with Google servers/ Try again.
Apps used to sign in: Google Account Manager 4.4.4-1227136
and Google Play store version 5.4.12
(these apps are initially installed on the phone)
Steps to sign in on the phone:
Add google account -> Existing account -> user+password -> error message
Start Google Play Store -> Existing account -> user+password -> error message
After a long night search, I found out that the phone came with a vendor specific ROM, namely
. The official version looks like
. So, I'm thinking to flash the ROM. I have no idea what else is installed beside the official package.
play store
version is all right or should I install an older one?