This question is classical: how to access the phone's SD card from PC? Of course USB works very well, but I'm looking for a wireless solution.
I've already tried various apps and solutions, but very often, with these wireless solutions, I didn't have real full access to the SD card, like I would have for a USB flashdrive or a harddrive or a CD-ROM. (see image below)
Thus my question is : how to access the phone's SD card from PC, wirelessly, with full access to SD card from PC? (I mean: having a drive letter F: and being able to run .bat batch files on this SD card from the PC; this works when connecting with USB cable)
Note: I've tried tools like installing "FTP server" on phone, connecting by wifi, and then using tools on PC that make FTP look like a removable disk. But this was very tricky, and at the end didn't work well. And above all it was not handy on every day use.