To install android market in your HCL Me tablet, you need to have adb installed and configured on your system(Linux).
If you are in windows, you need to have necessary drivers for your device.
To install market, follow the steps.
1.Connect your device using USB cable.
2.Open terminal and type “adb devices” and confirm that your device recognized on adb.
3.Download latest Android Market, from here . Or you can download latest g-apps zip.
4.Extract the contents (apps will be at folder system/app/Vending.apk
5. adb push /system/app/Vending.apk
(This will copy market apk file to your device)
6. Reboot.
Done!. Login with your gmail account to get market access.
If your device don’t have any other google standard apps (like gtalk), copy the necessary file from the g-app zip file to /system/app
folder on your device.
More details here