I searched on the web and stack exchange forums a lot. But, could not find a solution therefore I am posting a question at last.
I have a Micro max canvas Plus2. My external SD-card is of 3.63 GB capacity but, 2.8 GB of space itself is occupied by a 'hpns' folder. This folder contains a couple of log files, one of them named 'exception'.
This is a huge bugger, since I have only 200 MB of my personally stored files(photos,music etc.) and I am not allowed to store more files because the hpns folder is hogging all the space in external SD-card. Same hpns named folder, by the way, is also present in the internal SD-card also, worth 500 MB.
So, kindly tell me if it is safe to delete this folder from external SD-card? Also, how to make sure this folder is not created again automatically?
Thank you in advance!