I am having issues with my SD card, it just gets on getting unmounted and mounted many times per day. I have read online that the best thing to do is to format my card.
I've looked online and everywhere it is suggested that I use the built-in format function found in "Settings > Storage > Unmount SD card + Format SD card" but the option "Format SD card" never shows.
This is what I have before and after unmounting:
Before Unmounting After Unmounting
Screenshots - (Click to enlarge)
I also tried to format from linux (I am an Ubuntu user) and I got some error (both in gnome disk util and gparted).
Further info:
My question is then: How can I format my external sd card? I don't have a card reader.
Wiko Darkmoon Custom rom: superdragonpt_v1.0 from xda, 4.2.2, kernel 3.4.5