I've literally tried everything it seems like. There was an another unanswered post on here asking something similar but obviously it didn't help since no one had answered.
RSA Fingerprint Dialog is not displaying - regardless of what I do
My phone used to display the RSA fingerprint dialog after selecting USB Debugging under developers settings. Now it doesn't. I'm very frustrated as I've only purchased this phone for the sole purpose of installing Kali nethunter on it.
I had the phone rooted before and installed the wrong rom for kali nethunter so I flashed the stock ROM back on to it and all is well and working except USB Debugging. I'm about to throw my phone away at this point... I've tried everything it seems:
Past, Frustrating Attempts
- Try a different cable
- Switch phone to PTP and MTP mode
- Switch USB debugging on and off
- Install and uninstall universal driver and google drivers
- try different usb port
- ADB kill-server / ADB start-server (Device still unauthorized under ADB Devices)
- Install SDK manager and update ADB / Fastboot
- Try a differnet OS (Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Kali Linux)
- Factory Reset
- Delete RSA Keys under 'C:.android'
All of these did not work.
My phone as it sits is unrooted (because I can't put it in USB Debugging mode) 6.0.1 marshmallow and TWRP installed as custom recovery.