I have Windows 7 64bit. Installed Android Studio. SDK path is indeed C:\Users\bill\AppData\Local\Android\sdk. Copied pasted from explorer address bar to avoid a typo. Ran the SDK Manager and updated. Still getting the unable to locate the android SDK tools error. Registry is correct too.

Any idea what I am missing ?

  • Did you install necessary packages in SDK Manager? Also, check File -> Project Structure -> SDKs.
    – Andy Yan
    Commented Aug 30, 2016 at 23:58

1 Answer 1


its easy with the new versions of Android Studios(2.0 or higher), all you need is good internet connection.

First you will open the AVD manager, then you attempt to create a new device. You will be diverted to new window where you will pick a hardware and navigate using a "next button" to a page where you will see all the API and you can download and install directly from there. Just click on Download and it will download and install automaticallyScreen shot of my computer as i had my AVD manager ready to download an API for my Virtual Device.

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