I have been trying to start up and Android x86 (64-bit) on Hyper-V using the latest edition available from http://www.android-x86.org/releases/releasenote-6-0-r2http

I have installed it with GRUB and created a bootable Partition during installation. Format drive to ext4.

Every time I try to run the VM I am presented with the following image enter image description here

and it doesn't proceed to boot to the android screen. Anyone have an idea how to fix? I would greatly appreciate it.

  • What RAM size have you selected?
    – neverMind9
    Commented Aug 15, 2018 at 16:39

2 Answers 2


The default screen resolution /color depth is not work. Need to be changed. A guide could be find here:

How to Install Android x86 4.4 R2 on Hyper-V – Part 2: Configuration, Screen resolution and Network (Jan 2015)

  • The screen resolution seemed to fix it, but now when I get to the initial page for setting up Android, when I click the arrow to proceed with setup, the VM then bootloops back to the android loading screen. Any ideas?
    – Asmil
    Commented Apr 18, 2017 at 12:54

I have extracted the guide below from the article which made reference to remixos on hyper-v, however the procedure is the same for any android x86 installation:

Install Android x86 on Hyper-V virtual machine

Installation to Hyper-V virtual machine is a bit tricky, but achievable.

  • First of all, create Generation 1 VM with at least 6 Gb HDD.

  • After creation of VM do not power on it.

  • Connect created VHD disk to any windows machine (Disk Management -> Right Click -> Attach VHD)

  • Initialize it as MBR disk.

  • Format it in FAT32 file system.
  • Detach VHD.
  • Boot VM with Legacy ISO. Do not choose Resident or Guest mode

During boot up;

  • Press TAB button. Edit your boot string to:

/kernel initrd=initrd.img root=/dev/ram0 androidboot.hardware=android_x86 androidboot.selinux=permissive quiet INSTALL=1 nomodeset vga=785

  • You can replace 785 with any 16bit (or 24bit) color depth code. More codes can be found at http://pierre.baudu.in/other/grub.vga.modes.html

  • Chose sda1 partition (vfat system)

  • Do not format it.
  • Chose yes for GRUB installation.
  • Skip EFI GRUB2 installation.
  • Choose yes for making system directory read-write.
  • Choose yes for creating user data image.
  • Enter size of data.img. Maximum is 2047 because we formatted our dist to FAT32 file system. You can run you Android-x86. It’ll take a while, do not panic.

  • Configure it as you wish.

After completion;

  • The last thing you need to do is eject ISO from VM and edit created GRUB entries.

    • Shutdown your VM and eject ISO.

    • Once again attach VHD to Windows machine.

    • Edit \grub\menu.lst

You need to delete extra digits after kernel path, for example if you used vga=785 previously you need to replace kernel785 with kernel . Also you need to add desired vga mode again. So your menu.lst should look like:

root (hd0,0)
title Android-x86
kernel /android-2016-01-14/kernel vga=785 quiet root=/dev/ram0 androidboot.hardware=android_x86 androidboot.selinux=permissive nomodeset SRC=/android-2016-01-14
initrd /android-2016-01-14/initrd.img
title Android-x86 (Debug mode)
kernel /android-2016-01-14/kernelvga=785 root=/dev/ram0 androidboot.hardware=android_x86 androidboot.selinux=permissive nomodeset DEBUG=2 SRC=/android-2016-01-14
initrd /android-2016-01-14/initrd.img
title Android-x86 (Debug nomodeset)
kernel /android-2016-01-14/kernel vga=785 nomodeset root=/dev/ram0 androidboot.hardware=android_x86 androidboot.selinux=permissive nomodeset DEBUG=2 SRC=/android-2016-01-14
initrd /android-2016-01-14/initrd.img
title Android-x86 (Debug video=LVDS-1:d)
kernel /android-2016-01-14/kernel vga=785 video=LVDS-1:d root=/dev/ram0 androidboot.hardware=android_x86 androidboot.selinux=permissive nomodeset DEBUG=2 SRC=/android-2016-01-14
initrd /android-2016-01-14/initrd.img
  • Detach VHD and boot your VM.

You should now get past the screen android x86

(Unfortunately couldn't upload images since I used RemixOS instead of androidx86)

Sincerest acknowledgements go to:

Install RemixOS on Hyper-V virtual machine

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