I successfully installed TWRP yesterday on my phone and then wanted to root it, but before doing that, I wanted to do a Full-Wipe of my phone, just leaving the phone with the OS, but for some reason, I left the System Partition Wipe option enabled and Wiped it. Now, I'm stuck in a bootloop without an OS, and I can only access TWRP and Download Mode.

How can I recover the system/install the OS again?

Phone Specs:


Previous O.S: Nougat 7.0

Region: México TCE

1 Answer 1

  1. Download the following file (J730GMTCE2AQJ1_TCE) from samfirmware.com: direct link
  2. Extract (unzip) the firmware file
  3. Download Odin v3.12.7
  4. Open Odin v3.12.7 (make sure to Run as administrator)
  5. Reboot your SAMSUNG J7 PRO (SM-J730GM) into Download Mode (press and hold Home + Power + Volume Down buttons)
  6. Connect phone and wait until you get a blue sign in Odin
  7. Add the firmware file to AP / PDA
  8. Make sure re-partition is NOT ticked
  9. Click the start button, sit back and wait few minutes for it to install the stock operating system.

Instructions source (personally tested on another Samsung device)

  • Thanks for this! I'm going to try this, but I was wondering... what if I was already downloading that file with the SamFirm Tool, since I don't have any username on that page? Is it the same file? EDIT: I will update here If I have any complications :) Commented Dec 20, 2017 at 22:36
  • Thank you, it worked! Now I'm going back to install TWRP and root it without deleting the system partition Commented Dec 21, 2017 at 0:13

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