I'm using an android phone and Google Authenticator shows a notice every time I open the app: "Syncing will continue when your device is online and you refresh your Authenticator codes." and the sync icon is grayed out:

Disabled Sync Icon

If I click the cloud button at the upper right, it says: "Your codes will be backed up next time you're online and refresh"

I am already online and I've tried restarting my device but I keep getting these messages. How do I sync Google Authenticator to the cloud when I see this message?

Note: The main reason I'm asking is to post my solution. I couldn't find any other posts asking this.

1 Answer 1


Here's how I solved it:

  1. Click on your account in the upper right

  2. Select "Use without an account."

  3. You will get a warning pop up that says your codes will be deleted everywhere but your device.

  4. Click "Continue"

  5. Now the top of the application should look like this:

    Use without an account

  6. Click the account icon at the upper right

  7. Choose the account you've been trying to sync to

  8. You will get a warning pop up that says, "Start saving codes to this account?"

  9. Click "Allow"

  10. The sync icon will turn green and refreshing the app will work again.

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