Recently my phone decided to brick itself for no reason. Turned the screen off and it didn't turn back on anymore. At first I thought it was a dead screen but after a few hours of trying to force reboot the screen now shows up, albeit stuck in the boot screen, as if a boot loop.
Brought it to a repair shop and they said something along the lines of whatever inside is used to make the display and touch work - that thing is now dead.
Now since the phone won't boot and fastboot doesn't work either (stuck on the screen with "FASTBOOT" when I try to), is there any way to access files on the device without it being on?
ADB didn't recognise the phone because it won't even boot. For information, it's a Xiaomi Redmi Note 10, stock ROM, not rooted, never dropped nor had it broken and repaired before. Was in perfect condition until this happened. Been using for 3 years.