I have recently updated my HTC One from the stock 4.3 firmware it came with to the stock 4.4 firmware via an OTA update. Since this update occured, I am no longer able to connect to the device with adb for the purpose of installing apps in development on a Windows laptop. adb devices
tells me no devices are found HTC Sync Manager is also unable to detect the phone.
However, I am able to transfer files via MTP, something I was unable to do on 4.3 while USB debugging was enabled. Additionally, Windows detects the phone and installs drivers for the device (recognised as "HTC One" though some resources seem to indicate it should appear as "My HTC"). When USB debugging is disabled, it also installs MTP drivers. When USB debugging is enabled, it fails to install MTP drivers and states that the device was disconnected during installation. This does not appear to have any impact on the functionality of MTP however.
However, I have USB debugging enabled under developer options, I have my Android SDK completely updated and HTC Sync Manager fully updated.
I have tried:
- Different USB cables which did not work.
- A different phone (my old HTC Desire HD) which still works over adb.
- Uninstalling and reinstalling HTC Sync Manager & Drivers.
- Using a USB 3.0 port
- Not using a USB 3.0 port