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Questions tagged [hardware-acceleration]

8 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Hardware accelerated ffmpeg using MediaCodec on Android?

I've tried running for example ffmpeg -i 1_5111632628432240784.MP4 -c:v h264_mediacodec -c:a aac -b:v 1M -g 60 test.mp4 in Termux in different variations, which yields an output like this, regardless ...
user9279628's user avatar
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VLC black screen, and Disable HW Overlays

I have a Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2, with rooted Android 4.1.2. I have installed VLC v3.0.13 on it - which is seemingly the last version that can be installed on Android 4.1.2 (all later builds of VLC ...
sdaau's user avatar
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How do I check if my phone has hardware video encoder?

I own a Samsung j7 2016 and I did some search about the CPU and looked for information tools but I've found codec info but not hardware video encoder info anywhere. If you know any app or adb command ...
Uğur Gümüşhan's user avatar
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Do android games use the graphic card on a laptop?

I installed Android on my laptop as dual boot with indows 8.1 (I am not talking about virtualization or emulators). I have 1 GB NVIDIA graphic card on my laptop. So does Android use my graphic card ...
Ridham's user avatar
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VM acceleration is not working on another VM for Android Emulator

We want to run our instrumented tests on Gitlab. We've created a Linux runner(amd64,Ubuntu 22.04) to execute connectedAndroidTest gradle task. However we've come across some obstacles. I have two ...
tugceaktepe's user avatar
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SoC compute-resource usage monitor for single app

I need to understand the compute resource usage of a compute-intensive app; this includes the CPU (ideally including the core ID), GPU, DSP, AI Engine in the processor (for Quallcom chips). I have ...
kesari's user avatar
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Difference between Android sensors (acceleration, gyroscope, rotation vector)

I have an Android 7 phone and I have written an Android application for recording the following sensor values: Accelerometer (Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER) Linear acceleration (Sensor....
machinery's user avatar
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Increase phone speed

My phone is sometimes freezed. I have installed and configured Clean Master and Battery Doctor, but it still slow. My Phone is Huawei Y300, running Android 4.1. What can I do for speed up the system? ...
Roberto Tellez Ibarra's user avatar