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Questions tagged [html]

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34 votes
7 answers

How can I open an HTML file I have copied from PC to SD Card of Phone?

How can I open an HTML file I have copied from PC to SD Card of Phone? I've tried opening it with the default application which is HTML Viewer but I get a "Web page not available" system page. The ...
Francisc's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Local files revisited: Opening local HTML files (file:///path/to/file) in Chrome on Android 10.x

You may note the almost duplicate title from this question. It keeps coming up when trying to solve my current issue. I created a little web app to help at work. Just some HTML and JavaScript, and ...
therks's user avatar
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177 votes
14 answers

How do I view source code in an Android web browser?

Is there a way to view the source HTML in an Android web browser?
Vijay's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Disable HTML Emails in composer

how do I disable the default sending of emails in html format? I would like to compose emails in the text format but I can't find a way to do that. Ideally, this should be the default behaviour with ...
Unapiedra's user avatar
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38 votes
10 answers

How can a complete web page be saved and viewed on an Android device?

There are situations when I require to save a "complete" web page for offline reading. I can easily do that on Windows by saving the web page, but not on Android. I am using Chrome on ...
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2 votes
4 answers

Generate a browser bookmark from file manager

We are developing a web site that will all be local to an android tablet. The idea is we create the web app, copy the web app to MicroSD cards and distribute the SD cards. Right now, when you open ...
Ronnie's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Open Web Page in Browser (not on SD card)

My question is similar to this one, but my HTML file and resources are not on an SD card, as my phone does not accept SD cards. It is currently at file:///Download/AnotherFolder/here.html. I have ...
user21760's user avatar