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2 votes

ES File Explorer Remote Manager is gone?

Its not, in newer versions of the application it is located under Network → View on PC; and it can be started/stopped using the interface provided under that option: Alternatively pulling down ...
xavier_fakerat's user avatar
2 votes

build.prop regeneration

The prop file is right there in the zip (/system/build.prop, same as the path on the phone) - you don't even need additional extraction tools to get it back. Re-installation will also restore it, but ...
Andy Yan's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I remove an app if it doesn't exist in the Play Store anymore?

Google Play Store is not necessary for installation or uninstallation of apps. All your installed apps are shown in the app list in Android settings. There you can also uninstall apps. On most Android ...
Robert's user avatar
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Allow Apps Access to /data of Other Apps

In MX Explorer settings → More settings → check "allow root" . That should prompt request for root Check if root rights have been given to MX Explorer in Magisk Superuser (if not check logs, ...
beeshyams's user avatar
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1 vote

Has ES File Explorer removed the adware?

Nope. ES Global will none removing all their Adware/Ads/Charging Boost/Complete bulls**t they added. Its an example of a good app falling to greedy devs. Here's some complaints: Soooo, One from ...
Dan Brown's user avatar
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I cannot backup the data between PC and ES file in bluestacks, windows folder shows question mark , not sure what that is

I finally found the solution on another site. In Bluestacks under My Apps click on Settings, then Storage then Explore and from there you can access all the folders.
Lightsaber's user avatar
1 vote

Porting cloud account information from ES Explorer

What ended up working was to copy the *.cfg files from the data\data\\files folder, and the serverlistdb*.xml files from the shared_prefs folder. Then, after a reboot the ...
HaLeiVi's user avatar
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1 vote

Block URLs and encrypt hosts file

If you encrypt the hosts file, the system won't be able to read the file, so it won't work any more. But there's no need: since you need root access to edit the hosts file anyway, any app that you don'...
Dan Hulme's user avatar
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