I am currently overseas, using a foreign SIM card in my phone. Since I travel often, all of my contacts are stored in international format (e.g. +12125551212 or +4474567899). However, my foreign carrier does not allow international dialing via +countrycode (i.e. +1), only via 00countrycode (i.e. 001).
Additionally, I had thought I would be able to use Google Voice for my calls back to the U.S. and therefore have my Google Voice caller ID show on outbound calls, but Google Voice also dials the access number via +countrycode so the call fails as well.
Is there any way to set my phone to automatically dial 00 instead of the + without having to modify all of my contacts?
Edit: I just noticed there are several apps that do this. If anyone knows of a native solution, please reply.
Edit 2: I just tried a couple of these apps. While they do work, when I try to use them with Google Voice, they replace the + prefix for the destination number, not the Google Voice access number. I need a way to have Google Voice dial its access number with 001 instead of +1.