I am attempting to develop on the Nexus 5 using the Android SDK on eclipse.
I'm developing on Windows 7, have the Helios version of Eclipse, and have kept my SDK up to date. I have previously been developing on a Samsung Galaxy S2 fine - but now the SDK is having trouble detecting the Nexus 5.
I have developer options, usb debugging, and third party apk's all enabled on the phone. When connecting the phone it appears as an eject-able USB device, appears as "Nexus 5" under Unspecified in devices and printers, and appears as "Android Composite ADB Interface" under "SAMSUNG Android Phone" in device manager.
I have tried uninstalling the usb drivers I was using with the galaxy (including kies - its additional software) and then reinstalling drivers through the SDK manager, I have tried modifying the drivers as suggested here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19838016/what-usb-driver-should-we-use-for-the-nexus-5 and I have tried to install the generic driver here: http://adbdriver.com/downloads/ (but this failed as it could not find the nexus 5 as a connected android device). I've also tried simple things such as restarting eclipse, the phone, and my machine, and trying different USB ports. None of this has helped, I am unable to browse the nexus 5 as removable storage and when running projects in eclipse it does not appear as a running android device.
Any help would be much appreciated.