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Questions tagged [network-signal]

This tag deals with reception issues, which can apply to a variety of radio signals such as cell radio, WiFi, and others.

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73 votes
1 answer

What is *Cell standby* and how can I keep it from eating my battery?

Looking up my battery statistics, I almost always find Cell standby amongst the top consumers: I never thought that "idle" would use so much energy. I saw that other people encounter similar problems:...
Izzy's user avatar
  • 91.3k
26 votes
5 answers

How to make android prefer mobile data when wifi signal is very weak

When I leave home or the office there is a ring around it where I simply have no connection at all. This is because the WLAN network from my router at home or the one at the office is detected, but ...
d_inevitable's user avatar
25 votes
2 answers

Does 'poor' reception deplete the battery quicker?

In the area where I live I sometimes have trouble with reception. The Internet stops working for me or it takes time to load pages. The phone tries and tries to connect. It seems to me that when this ...
Radek's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

What are the different signal indicators avalable on the notification bar?

The signal indicator on my phone often shows "3G" or "H+" in the signal indicator. When there's no connectivity it doesn't show anything. I'm referring to the icons in the status bar like these: ...
Mridang Agarwalla's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Does GPS signal quality influence battery life?

Does bad/weak GPS signal affect battery life? For instance, when in the city downtown with lots of tall buildings or in the woods or mountains, will running GPS drain the battery faster?
Kozuch's user avatar
  • 346
7 votes
4 answers

What causes my Android phone to heat on low signal

I have noticed that 3 of my Android phones heat on low signal (Nexus4, Xperia U, and HTC One) 40~50C. My friend has an iPhone and it doesn't seem to heat as much (30C). So, why does this happen? Why ...
Goodwine's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Does Nexus S Wifi and GPS have issues?

So there I was, happily reading reviews about Google's/Samsumg Nexus S building my judgement whether to buy it or not after my Nexus 1 got stolen. Happily enough there were very few posts on issues ...
flpgdt's user avatar
  • 326
6 votes
1 answer

Nexus 4 getting "No Service" until a reboot after losing signal

I've got a Nexus 4 running Android 4.2.1 on AT&T (via Straight Talk). I've noticed that sometimes at work (low signal area) instead of getting low bars (zero to two at my desk) I'll get "no ...
Zelda's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Can I boost/improve reception on my Droid?

With a rooted phone and an app you can overclock or underclock your processor. Also, off Android, with some hacks you can boost power of a wifi router and wifi antenna. It seems to me that if you ...
Matt's user avatar
  • 19.4k
6 votes
3 answers

Determine strength of the cell antenna in an Android phone to ensure good cell reception

In some parts of the world, the cell towers are few and far between. In places like these, when someone is shopping for their next smartphone upgrade, they need to consider cell reception. Boosters ...
musicwithoutpaper's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Do signal booster apps work? How?

I do not have the best signal on my Galaxy S4. I have had a recommendation on downloading a Signal Booster App. How do they work (or do they work at all)? Are there ways to boost my signal strength ...
L84's user avatar
  • 331
5 votes
3 answers

How can I automatically connect my phone to the stronger Wifi signal around it?

I have a Google Nexus 4 and have two wi-fi networks that I use in my home. Since they are in some range of one another my phone stays connected to the router that's farther away from the one I'm ...
ymasood's user avatar
  • 201
5 votes
2 answers

My Galaxy Nexus can't hold on to a signal

I have an unlocked international-version Galaxy Nexus on the German T-Mobile network. It's only about a week old, but more than once in that time I've seen the signal drop completely out, and won't ...
James B's user avatar
  • 617
4 votes
1 answer

RSSI range for WiFi icons

What is stock RSSI range for the WiFi indicator icon in notification bar?
Sam Denty's user avatar
  • 608
4 votes
2 answers

Does Gingerbread use extra battery power to make calls when the phone has poor signal?

Since I got this phone (Galaxy S, originally on Eclair, then Froyo) and switched network provider, I've had major problems with the signal at home, and call quality as a result. Following the upgrade ...
bcmcfc's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How are good, fair, poor and bad defined for signal strength?

How are good, fair, poor and bad defined for signal strength in terms of dBm, in most Android phones or telecommunication community? Are they defined the same for mobile network and for WiFi network? ...
Tim's user avatar
  • 503
3 votes
3 answers

How to monitor signal strength?

I own a Samsung Nexus S 4G on Sprint, and I am having terrible but intermittent problems with my signal quality on my phone. I have reasonably high certainty that this is a hardware issue (my wife has ...
Brendon Dugan's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Any tips for phone stability?

My Moto Droid has seen great performance improvements with each new Android version, and has been much more stable and reliable with each version release. Recently I was in a situation where the ...
danivovich's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Why is device not showing the phone signal bars anymore?

It's been happening for a while now but I've just gotten around to posting this issue. I'm running Cyanogenmod 10.1 on my Galaxy Note 2 but one fine day, it stopped showing me the signal bars. I've ...
Mridang Agarwalla's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Is there a way to switch between radio modes without the phone radio completely shutting down?

Is it possible to have the radio switch between WCDMA Preferred mode, GSM mode, and WCDMA only, for example, without the radio switching off and on again? The radio completely loses signal during the, ...
Ada's user avatar
  • 133
3 votes
1 answer

No GPS reception on Asus Slider SL101

I am the owner of an ASUS SL101 tablet, runing Android 4.0 (ICS). Using the "GPS Test" app, I cannot get any GPS signals, even when standing outside for extended periods of time. I have a standalone ...
William's user avatar
  • 73
3 votes
0 answers

CDMA signal disappear after changing network using an app

My phone is a replicate of the Huawei P8 called p8 lt Dual sim Android 6.01. After I used an app called Network Mode Universal to enable LTE on my phone, the signal disappear and I can't use my CDMA ...
snpay's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes
0 answers

Cellular radio dead? No carrier signal, "No service", no mobile networks

I own a Motorola Moto G 4G (XT1040). Original stock ROM, Android 5.1, unlocked bootloader, custom TeamWin recovery, rooted. I only install apps from Google Play, F-Droid or trusted sources. Last ...
That Brazilian Guy's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to set signal strength threshold for switching WiFi on and off?

When the WiFi signal strength is low, the phone switches to a 4G network. When the WiFi signal strength is high, the phone switches to that WiFi network. This is normal behavior for any Android ...
Samir's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

What can I do when my GPS doesn't work (or if my tablet doesn't have GPS)?

The problem: I want to use an (offline|online) navigation app but: I have an Asus Transformer Prime with very bad GPS reception I have a tablet without GPS (e.g., a Nook Color) My phone has a very ...
ce4's user avatar
  • 14.5k
2 votes
1 answer

Galaxy SII not reporting Signal Strength

I recently bought a Samsung Galaxy SII which in general has worked perfectly for me. My only issue is that the phone won't report the signal strength. If I get to the phone information (using the * # *...
Carlos G.'s user avatar
  • 123
2 votes
1 answer

archos 7 wlan receiver antenna

Do you know in which side the wlan receiver antenna on archos 7 HT is located? I'm just wondering if it will affect the signal strength received if we cover the "spot", e.g. with our palm.
springrolls's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Acceptable Signal Strength Ranges for 2G/3G and 4G

I have been logging signal strengths on my phone and am trying to understand what ranges can be considered "Good" and "Bad". RSSI is a measure of signal strength for GSM (2G/3G): -50dBm to -113dBm ...
tezz99's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes
0 answers

Unique signal problem - No one heard of such problem

I am using honor 4x from past 1 year. From last week I am facing a unique issue. SIM 2 signal is not working with Vodafone in some areas of the city (for example it will not work in my home). ...
Ram's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes
0 answers

Galaxy S4 refuses to gain signal after being disconnected for a period of time

So, the scenario is this: I have a Verizon Galaxy S4 (SCH-I545, Android 5.0.1). One of my work sites is an amazingly effective dead zone. No signal whatsoever. If I enter the dead zone for a few ...
Anthony Hernandez's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Can 2 smartphones malfunction if they are hold together in the pocket for long times everyday?

I apologize for my ignorance but I am not very tech savvy. Basically I do a field job and I always have 2 phones in one of those bags you put around your waist. I had 2 Samsung galaxy S2 in the ...
thename's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes
0 answers

How does android (stock) calculate the number of bars representing mobile signal quality?

I am interested in how Android (assuming unmodified AOSP code) calculates the number of bars representing mobile signal quality? Also, if you know the place in code where this is done, I would ...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What information can you extract from Wifi networks without connecting?

Android newbie here. I am not talking about eavesdropping wifi traffic, but accessing publicly broadcast information. When you open the list of available wifi networks, that means Android is ...
noderman's user avatar
  • 113
1 vote
1 answer

Can I increase signal strength on my Samsung Galaxy s4 active?

I recently purchased a used Samsung Galaxy S4 that used to be on AT&T, but it has been unlocked, or something so that I can now use it on Koodo (canadian carrier). The signal is very weak. It's ...
Walker's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote
1 answer

Low Signal Strength after Firmware Upgrade

When I first bought my Samsung Galaxy S (GT-I9000) phone a month ago, it had it's factory installed 2.1 Eclair running. Despite many 'Android Market' apps not being compatable with it, my signal ...
Andrew Heath's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Do external booster antennas help with 4G reception?

I have a Sprint HTC-EVO 4G. Today it's snowing, I'm in a downtown high-rise, and I'm only getting 3G. Would a booster antenna help (either now, or in general)?
NealWalters's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Best Wi-Fi Performance Doesn't Do Anything

In wireless options there is such setup, but it does not do anything. It doesn't increase coverage or signal. And i think it does not consume more power. Why? Because this option does not apply ...
Boris_yo's user avatar
  • 727
1 vote
2 answers

Phone won't connect to mobile network

As of yesterday my phone was okay as I know I had a missed call and checked it on voicemail, but today I noticed that it is showing no signal when there should be one. The last thing I know I did was ...
steevc's user avatar
  • 271
1 vote
1 answer

Any method to enabled n28b band on MIUI phone?

Actually, I'm not sure if n28a and n28b are in the n28 band, or if they're different in the first place (even though the frequencies are both 700). Because the cell phone info sites I know of usually ...
Shallow_Wind's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Can any other programs affect receiving WhatsApp messages when in use?

Curious as to why one gray tick happens when sending a WhatsApp message, as well as why calls are not being received. Is it possible that another program conflicts with WhatsApp and the ability to ...
Nerdygirl's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Nexus 5 signal drops immediately when making call

My Nexus 5 running on Marshmallow and it has Last ota security update provided by Google at the time of end of support. I’ve a perfectly working SIM card. Using this sim card to make calls from nexus ...
Saravanan G's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How do I troubleshoot inconsistent call quality?

I have a OnePlus One phone that has worked great for a long time, but for the past few months, my call quality has been inconsistent. I am on the newest stock rom - Cyanogen12.1.1-YOG7DAS2K1, build ...
SomeGuy's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Can you restart data service with full strength & orange indicator?

With some regularity (6-7 times per month) my Android 4.4 phone gets into a data-wedged state where the connection is shown as full-strength LTE, but without connectivity (the icon is orange in the ...
Trey's user avatar
  • 113
1 vote
1 answer

GSM signal lost - howto get signal back without restarting

Several times a week I have the problems where the GSM signal is lost on my phone, due to bad coverage in that area. The real problem for me is that when that happens, and when I move to a place with ...
SPRBRN's user avatar
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0 answers

How to check 5G NSA connection status on Samsung Galaxy?

I am aware about the different apps for checking 5G connection status on Android, the most useful of which I see CellMapper which says a lot of useful info about the current 5G connection. The one ...
Suncatcher's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How can I simultaneously use mobile data and WiFi?

Through a combination of Afwall/Netguard and Automate/Tasker, I'd like to use both my mobile data and WiF at the same time. For example, I'd like for some live/realtime widgets on the homescreen to ...
Dansean's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote
1 answer

Phone's download speed doesn't go over 10 Mbps(1.2 MBps)

I have an ASUS Zenfone Max Pro M1(X00_TD). Lately, I have noticed that my phone's downloading or uploading speeds don't go over 10 to 15 Mbps. It has a 2.4 G wifi and easily used to give me 40-60 Mbps ...
Saki Osive's user avatar
1 vote
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Notify when getting "no signal" on the LG Q6

For several days now, the LG Q6 has made me angry when it suddenly stops detecting the SIM card. (once or twice a day) I don't want to discuss the cause and possible solution. (Restart always helps) ...
yoda666's user avatar
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Can an app manipulate the cellular radio chip?

I have a few ideas for a couple local cell to cell apps, but want to use the radio signals to extend the range (the extra work is fine with me). Just curious if it is possible to control the ...
ThatCampbellKid's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

mobile radio tower is off

typing *#*#4636#*#* on my mi max3 xiaomi will take me to my phone setting and I after turning mobile radio tower ON it urns back to OFF again after a few moments. I am not able to place any calls as ...
Sean's user avatar
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