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10 votes

So what does Cyanogen Inc shutting down mean for CyanogenMod and similar ROMs?

CM's own blog is unreachable now, but XDA-Developers already summed it up and clarified some important bits: All monetary and infrastructural support for CyanogenMod from Cyanogen Inc. will cease. -> ...
Andy Yan's user avatar
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3 votes

How to stop continue optimise app in Yu Yuphoria?

Based on my experience, this problem usually occurs as a result of faulty (or incorrect) permissions in the dalvik cache. How does optimisation work? When the Android system is "optimising apps/...
xavier_fakerat's user avatar
3 votes

How to stop continue optimise app in Yu Yuphoria?

After googling found only one way to get rescue of it. You must need to do force restore factor. Use Below Step 1) Reboot your Device 2) When your mobile ON instantly press Volume Down Button + ...
Govaadiyo's user avatar
1 vote

"Sim Empty" and cannot make calls after upgrade

I am in exactly the same situation, Wileyfox upgrade to Nougat, and have not found a good fix. However what has worked (to a point) is as below: Turn off remove sims and battery for at least 5mins ...
Pantal00ns's user avatar

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