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27 votes

How to recover a deleted file from /data partition on a rooted phone?

First to clarify root and data: Root directory / of Android devices is a read-only pseudo (temporary) filesystem (rootfs) that lives in RAM and is vanished when device is powered off. When device is ...
Irfan Latif's user avatar
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9 votes

Why do partitions get unmounted automatically after some time?

SHORT ANSWER Go to Magisk Settings and set Mount Namespace Mode to Global once for all. In SuperSU app, disable Mount Namespace Separation. OR For one time solution, use this command instead: ~$ su -...
Irfan Latif's user avatar
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7 votes

How would you use your ext4 formatted thumb drive via OTG on Android?

External SD cards and USB OTG drives (since Android 6) are handled by vold which supports only FAT[N] (vfat) and exFAT (since Android 9 provided that OEM adds support to kernel) filesystems on stock ...
Irfan Latif's user avatar
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3 votes

How to create and use multiple partitions on external SD card with different filesystems (Ext4, exFAT, NTFS)?

A few points on four partitions: Dedicated first partition exFAT or NTFS or FAT32 (whichever Android permits and gives optimum performance) to store apps, photos and media. For apps consider ...
Irfan Latif's user avatar
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3 votes

Change File System of Internal Storage to EXT4

Install twrp recovery (google it) Boot into recovery Go to wipe -> advance wipe -> select the system partition -> change file system -> select ext4 format Done
aaammmsss's user avatar
3 votes

External Ext4 card mounted only for root (!) on Android 5.1 64 bits

Edit 2020-06-03: If you would like to see a way more detailed answer in how the mounting ecosystem works under Android, you may have a look at this answer: How to bind mount a folder inside /sdcard ...
Autian's user avatar
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2 votes

Make the internal SD card storage act like normal Ext4 storage (with file system permission management)

You seem to be missing the point. Actually a few of them: Emulated SD Card storage has nothing to do with the lack of physical SD card support by some devices. It is a public storage area by design. ...
Пионерка's user avatar
2 votes

How to read ext4 filesystem without mounting on a non-rooted device?

ext4 can be explored without mounting, using debugfs tool. But natively there is no way to access raw filesystem without root access on Android devices. Partitions are enumerated as block devices by ...
Irfan Latif's user avatar
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2 votes

how to extend support for EXT4 file system for microSD cards in stock or non lineage / CyanogenMod ROMS

I don't think I understand your question fully. It's not clear what and how you have tried so far and faced what constraints or limitations in achieving what you want to. But precisely answering your ...
Irfan Latif's user avatar
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1 vote

How to create and use multiple partitions on external SD card with different filesystems (Ext4, exFAT, NTFS)?

just partitioning and formatting from adb shell (needs to be umount) (for doing this in recovery, delete all strings /data/local and su -c from command list) adb push parted /data/local/tmp adb ...
alecxs's user avatar
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1 vote

Does Android 8 has journaling enabled in its ext4 files sytem?

Does Android 8 has journaling enabled in its ext4 files system? It depends on a few factors. OEMs can possibly disable journaling e.g. on system partition as it's always supposed to be used R/O. ...
Irfan Latif's user avatar
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1 vote

How to mount (or auto mount) a USB stick formatted with ext4 and be visible or working with apps on Android 5 Marshmallow and later versions?

We still need root. First I need to make a dir in /data/media/0/ (/sdcard) mkdir /data/media/0/usb1/ which means USB is not detected as USB ever, but I can read data from apps that it is what I want. ...
Sérgio's user avatar
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1 vote

Can't create a primary, not a logical partition in SD Card

1. Answer Unfortunately, in this case you need buy a new SD Card. 2. Argumentation 4pda post: Если у вас не записываются новые данные на карту, а старые после удаления появляются вновь, и ...
Саша Черных's user avatar
1 vote

Linux Deploy ext4 and Adoptable Storage

Here how I'get 16gb on Linux deploy hope this help somebody: Use twrp, advanced, make partition ext4 swap 0 ( Use the Linux deploy terminal, ...
Daniel Alejandro Malagon Romer's user avatar
1 vote

Mounting a ext4 formatted sdcard on Android Marshmallow

UPDATE an better solution First steps: I could mount and use my pen usb with ext4 after install [1] but still bery tricky (need root) I need first ...
Sérgio's user avatar
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1 vote

Can I use ext4 on my SD card in a non-rooted phone?

I tried LineageOS 14.1(android 7.1.2), it support sdcard(tf-card) formatted in ext4. Though it format sdcard to vfat defaultly, if you don't make any patch. The easiest way is to format the sdcard ...
neoedmund's user avatar
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