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12 votes

Genymotion how to hide back/home/menu button that shown after ALT button pressed

you can find it on android setting keyboard & input > Virtual keyboard > Android keyboard setting Advanced > Emoji for physical keyboard disable it!
mahradbt's user avatar
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6 votes

Why the game is compatible in BlueStacks, but not in Genymotion?

It sounds like the application is only compatible with ARM CPUs, but not with x86. Genymotion doesn't have an ARM translation libraries installed due to intellectual property reasons where Bluestacks ...
kenorb's user avatar
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3 votes

Share virtual machine between Genymotion and Android AVD Manager?

Genymotion and the Android emulator for Android SDK can not interoperate because the used virtualization system is totally different: Android Emulator from SDK uses an QEMU 2 based emulator for ...
Robert's user avatar
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3 votes

Feed an image to Genymotion Camera

I failed to get this working on Ubuntu 18.04. Here's what I found: The Ubuntu repos contain a program called Webcamoid which can create a virtual camera that uses your desktops as the camera input. ...
talljosh's user avatar
  • 131
2 votes

Genymotion ARM Translation Tool Image for Android 10.0

Genymotion is the wrong emulator. It bases on VirtualBox and thus can not emulate a different CPU, it can only pass through the CPU, so you are limited to x86/x86_64 if if you have an Intel/AMD CPU. ...
Robert's user avatar
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1 vote

In Genymotion, a couple of apps are not visible in Play store. Reason?

Genymotion in VirtualBox based emulator which means it can not emulate a different architecture of the host CPU. If your PC has an Intel/ADM x86_64 CPU then the virtual Android device will also run ...
Robert's user avatar
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1 vote

Genymotion ARM Translation Tool Image for Android 10.0

You can try Android 11 It's worked for me
trumppower123's user avatar
1 vote

Genymotion how to hide back/home/menu button that shown after ALT button pressed

Settings for Android 9: settings > system > languages & input > virtual keyboard > Android keyboard settings (AOSP) > Advanced > Emoji for physical keyboard (Disable it)
4xMafole's user avatar
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1 vote

Feed an image to Genymotion Camera

I made it work using the 2010 Manycam version 2.6.1, since Manycam latest version has restrictions. As you can note when scanning it (
Leopoldo Sanczyk's user avatar
1 vote

What are the command line options of Genymotion's player

When you use player inproperely it writes help info into the log file. Eg. siciarek@siciarek ~ $ ~/bin/genymotion/player --help Logging activities to file: /home/siciarek/.Genymobile/genymotion.log ...
Jacek Siciarek's user avatar

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