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9 votes

Can I get a virus from a browser that doesn't have storage permission?

If an app has storage permissions or not is totally irrelevant if it can be exploited or not (unless you download a malicious file your self). Attacks on web browsers usually use an exploit chain, a ...
Robert's user avatar
  • 21.7k
8 votes

How to resolve Get Google Play services error

Simply click this link below it will redirect you to "google play services" in play store. There can be options: To update(you need to update in this case), or To deactive(nothing needed, it is ...
Amber Mishra's user avatar
4 votes

How to resolve Get Google Play services error

After factory reset the core Google Play Services application needs to be updated, which is most probably you are getting the "Google Play Services missing error" Try this to resolve the problem: ...
xavier_fakerat's user avatar
4 votes

LG phone seemingly stuck on "Firmware Update"

Once when I plugged the LG phone to give it a full charge, it did this firmware update stuck on 0% thing. I fixed it by just holding the power button on the right and the volume up button on the left ...
Chris's user avatar
  • 41
4 votes

Stream audio source to hearing aids

So from what I can determine: Google announced native support for hearing aids with a specification called ASHA Based on this article on XDA Developers, it appears that only Pixel devices are enabled ...
Morrison Chang's user avatar
3 votes

LG phone seemingly stuck on "Firmware Update"

Take out the battery while it is plugged into a laptop, computer, or maybe the wall, then leave it out for a few seconds. A battery with a red exclamation point should show up and that is when you ...
Johntia's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes

LG V30 - Flash ROM using download mode?

For linux use this link it's a tool called SALT. If you're good with Linux there are tools to use with Python such as ESPTools or LGLAF. For Windows look up FWUL, it's "Forget Windows Use Linux", it'...
Kenny Ng's user avatar
2 votes

LG Watch Style USB Debugging - computer not recognizing presence of watch

Looks like the LG Watch Style's charger has NO DATA PIN. The workaround for me was to use Bluetooth debugging, you will need an Android phone with a USB cable and a computer running the ADB server. ...
Jackson Darrow's user avatar
2 votes

Local html page on LG G Pad F 8.0

I'd say in general you should refrain from using any absolute paths in your HTML file,they will almost definitely break as soon as you change devices, and is probably a bad practice regardless of the ...
Duarte Farrajota Ramos's user avatar
2 votes

Why do my headphones stop working on my LG Android?

After THREE YEARS of searching for a fix... I think I just found a solution - and felt obligated to spread the information. Just plug the headphones in slowly... That's actually all there was to it... ...
XBuilder's user avatar
2 votes

Locked out of secure startup

I've read on a couple of forums where people have had the issue of their phone randomly rebooting and starting up to a lock screen that reads (something like): Secure startup 1/25 attempts If you ...
MindyB's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes

Locked out of secure startup

Well I've ended in same place as you but with entering number in a dialer. White screen with only text box to enter password, and counter was going only to 29/30 tries left no matter how many times ...
Једноруки Крстивоје's user avatar
2 votes

LG V20 stucks on "firmware update, now looking for any connection" message

I fixed it myself. I held the button down for a while to try to turn it on. Finally, the screen changed where I could toggle and select power off to stop the cycle. It worked and the phone powered ...
margot's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes

Text to speech on Android

Go to Settings -> Accessibility. Make sure that "Select to Speak" is enabled. Then, an icon will appear in the screen. If you don't have "Select to Speak", download and install Android Accessibility ...
Reddy Lutonadio's user avatar
1 vote

Who is responsible for locking the bootloader?

The OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturer) or Carriers like verizon, AT&T, etc Lock Bootloaders, Google Devices Like Pixel come with unlockable bootloaders via Fastboot.
Nick12's user avatar
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1 vote

LG G6 - "Charging blocked, moisture detected", would rooting help?

Try cleaning your charging port. There might be water there.
Prisma's user avatar
  • 21
1 vote

LG G3 restarts and shuts down automatically

Same problem here. LG service"s solution was a new mobo euro 200. I replaced the battery for euro 5 and everything was like new.
klaas klunder's user avatar
1 vote

Odd mark at the top of the screen of my new LG V30

I have the same type of defect on my LG V30 but it's on the bottom right corner of the screen . LG wanted me to send in my phone for repair, they said it would take 2 weeks, and would not offer a ...
John R Drake's user avatar
1 vote

Why do my photos on LG G6 seem overly compressed?

Yes, it's normal. LG camera software does it. You can fix it with Google Camera ported to LG G6. It may lack some functions compared to LG camera app.
Harri K. Hiltunen's user avatar
1 vote

My headphones wont work when i use with with my LG

It's very likely there's something wrong with the 3.5mm jack. My brother had the same problem, he'd have to replace the jack but it was better to just replace the phone since it was an older one. ...
user244585's user avatar
1 vote

Can't uses keyboard in setup

If you already have a Google account set up, and the device connected to the Internet, you can simply visit the Google Play Store using a browser on your PC, log in, find a keyboard app, and click the ...
Izzy's user avatar
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1 vote

Android 4.1 Locked Out

You can still flash the phone by installing a new ROM, this will factory reset the device. But I think you are doing wrong while trying to manually hard reset the phone. Follow the steps below: ...
esQmo_'s user avatar
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1 vote

Exclude folders from LG G6 stock gallery app

If it doesn't have option to exclude you can make it do that. Just use any file manager that can create file, and create file named ".nomedia" (without quotes) inside folder where are those images. ...
Једноруки Крстивоје's user avatar
1 vote

How do I shut down or reboot my LG G6?

The fingerprint reader on the back is exactly the power button. Hold it down for 10 sec and your G6 will reboot.
iBug's user avatar
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1 vote

LG G4 Showing Wrong 'Recovery Mode' Screen

You would need to choose and click the yes option in your screenshot twice: If custom recovery is installed, you will boot into it If you are on stock recovery , your device is wiped , i.e, factory ...
beeshyams's user avatar
  • 41.3k
1 vote

Android 4 slows down over year without reason

Try a factory reset. After a while, things get gunked up with tons of unnecessary files that aren't always deleted and a lot of other stuff. However, your phone will always slow down over time ...
Ethan Z's user avatar
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1 vote

MTP oddities on Windows 10

MTP does not support simultaneous read/write, nor edit. This has nothing to do with Windows 10. (See: If you want to move files within ...
Matthew Read's user avatar
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1 vote

Does MTK Android devices get software updates ever? (LG)

Sure - devices from Xiaomi are good examples. Redmi Note 2, released in 2015, still gets stable and weekly development builds of up-to-date MIUI8. Whether the Android version beneath the UI was ...
Andy Yan's user avatar
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1 vote

How to disable Peek/Heads up notifications on LG G5 with Android N

are you looking just to shut off the notifications? If so: from the Home page -> Pull down from the top and click on the Sprocket (or Settings) -> If you have the Grid View click on the Sounds&...
Anthony's user avatar
  • 11

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