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5 votes

Where is Castbox saving the downloads?

They saved the file on sdcard > CastBox > channels > xxx > yyy or on sdcard>Android>data>fm.castbox.audiobook>files>channels>xxx>‌​yyy xxx is folder of channel usually the unique number of each ...
Hernawan's user avatar
1 vote

What folder are Google Podcasts downloads stored in?

data/user/0/ Found using the Disk Space Analyzer on my GNOME computer :-). This is the only folder ...
sourcejedi's user avatar
1 vote

How do I delete podcasts downloaded by podbean?

I'd prefer if it didn't download them unless I tell it to... Unless you click on the 3 dots (top right) to download, it won't. And you can remove downloads from same place .... allow me to delete ...
beeshyams's user avatar
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