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3 votes

Does the MTK preloader reside in the same flash as system or data?

The eMMC has what's called "hardware partitions" or regions that the full flash memory pool is divided into by the memory controller. These regions operate at a lower level than the usual ...
Andrew Lamoureux's user avatar
2 votes

What is a "Download Agent" and what is it for?

Its a file used in flashing roms (or parts of the rom) for example for the SP Flash Tools. This file has info in it that tells the tool how to flash to the device. You don't flash the DA file so it ...
Sruly's user avatar
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How to use SP Flash Tool to install a new Recovery?

From my notes when I first used it (which was the only time I did):¹ Download and unzip the package , Open SPFLASHTOOL EXE and Load the Scatter file (Click Scatter Loading) Uncheck all the boxes Go ...
Izzy's user avatar
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1 vote

SP Flash Tool | Error. Status_preloader_invalid

The problem was the scatter file. Using a correct one fixed the problem.
Coded Designer's user avatar
1 vote

How to flash firmware from XperiFirm? Can Newflasher save user data?

I couldn't get the XperiFirm integrated into Flashtool to work. Even with the stand alone, it didn't have the firmware I was looking for. I ended up just Google searching the the firmware with "...
JonDon's user avatar
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How to fix Xperia Z3 Dual flashtool driver too old error?

Go to drive C and locate C:\Flashtool\drivers. "flashtool" folder. Open it. Then folder "drivers", open the folder. You will see an application "flashtool drivers". Run ...
blessed's user avatar
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Not able to tick items in SP Flash Tool after selecting scatter .txt file.How to check Boxes?

You need to select a file to write each partition you want to select. Double click on the location column for the partition you want to write to and select an img file, e.g. twrp.
Mohammed Owen's user avatar
1 vote

SP flash tool not starting

After some digging up I found out that I had not unlocked the OEM. Pressed and hold Power + Volume Up Choosen Fastboot on the menu On fastboot command line ran unlock.bat and then fastboot oem ...
Ganesh Satpute's user avatar
1 vote

How to remove Cyanogenmod from Sony Xperia Z?

There's no such thing as "CM bootloader" - a CM installation only writes a new /boot (kernel) and /system. Since you are explicitly looking to return to stock, FlashTool is still your best bet. Find ...
Andy Yan's user avatar
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Blackview BV6000 rooting problem / spyware removal / SP Flash Tool freeze

It is not unusual devices have data mining spy app in OTA updater. One can safely disable OTA updater from adb settings - about phone - tap buildno 7x (seven) times enable usb-debugging in developer ...
alecxs's user avatar
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Blackview BV6000 rooting problem / spyware removal / SP Flash Tool freeze

I ended up reading this question after I also tried basically all of the steps / websites mentioned in the question. But I eventually managed to install TWRP. In order to make the SP_Flash_tool start ...
Daniel Katz's user avatar
1 vote

Does the MTK preloader reside in the same flash as system or data?

Preloader is present in eMMC. /dev/block/mmcblk0 is located in eMMC as linear address.mmcblk0 starts with mbr, not including preloader. You can easily check by putting this mmcblk0 in eMMC raw tool ...
Naing Lynn Kun's user avatar
1 vote

Does the MTK preloader reside in the same flash as system or data?

Preloader is most certainly a partition visible in a smart device's partition index/filesystem. This partition is present on virtually every Lenovo device manufactured today. It is not embedded in the ...
Senior Recognized Contributor's user avatar
1 vote

Does the MTK preloader reside in the same flash as system or data?

It's present in the Boot ROM, not a directly visible partition in the eMMC. Source: MediaTek details: SoC startup The Boot ROM will be embedded inside the processor chip in generic chipsets. (read ...
Gokul NC's user avatar
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Basic question about flashing nandroid backups

Since I have a MTK-6577 based phone and had to delve into repairing a broken partition table recently I thought I'd take a stab at answering this. I want to know that when we flash specific ...
Cas's user avatar
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