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3 votes

How to sign out of Google Play Games?

I found how to sign out per-game. It seems to test that workflow. Open the Play Games app Go to ⋮ (menu) > Settings > (Your Data heading) > Change account for games Find your game in the ...
Vimes's user avatar
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How can I remove the "Install Google Play Games" prompt in apps?

It's really frustrating to see that pop-up every time we play a game. There's a solution if You've a rooted phone with Xposed installed in it. It's a Xposed module which will stop that pop-up. Be ...
Lalit Fauzdar's user avatar
2 votes

How can I remove the "Install Google Play Games" prompt in apps?

No, some games as well as some apps need the Google Play Games and Google Play Services' latest version. So it may ask you to update or use to authenticate. The entire data of the game is stored in ...
i--'s user avatar
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Apps install data in phone storage instead of sd card

sometimes the games app are configured in a way that they store their data in the phone storage for security or for getting smooth performance. there is nothing you can do about is more of ...
abhit's user avatar
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Install google play games without internet connection

You can download a game and the use a similar application to get the install file (APK) and then move it using a micro sd card but most of the games on google play store require internet connection to ...
Ibrahim MAATKI's user avatar
2 votes

Same app paid for twice due to some error on Google Play Store, no receipt of failed transaction, but money deducted

As updated by OP the first payment has been cancelled after verifying in the payments Center Since the payment had been honoured by the bank prior to the cancellation (likely), you can contact Google ...
beeshyams's user avatar
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What determines the graphics of a device?

The major hardware elements that determine what graphics quality you can choose are: Graphics chip built into your main CPU. The faster it is and the more parallel computation cores it has the more ...
Robert's user avatar
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my phone cannot play stereo over 3.5mm headphone jack

I found a quick fix for this issue, I think that every Xiaomi phone that's on MIUI12 can do the same step, the steps are: on your phone go to... Settings -> Additional Settings -> ...
mhamad arsalan's user avatar
1 vote

How to run my Play Games with its correct game progress after it runs another Play Games account of the same game app?

Looks like the problem is finally found out. I guess it is because when my new phone downloading .dat files from the cloud, I immediately signed in account B. It was saved at the same location in my ...
Etyw's user avatar
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What will happen if I delete the Google Play Services?

Google Play services is required to access features from Google, such as downloading apps from Google Play and accessing Google Play Games for achievements. If you are reinstalling Google Play ...
g0rdonL's user avatar
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Same app paid for twice due to some error on Google Play Store, no receipt of failed transaction, but money deducted

Follow the steps provided by Google support on how to request a refund. Here's what you got to do: Open in a browser Find the app in your purchased list, Press on the ...
aBochur's user avatar
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How can I remove the "Install Google Play Games" prompt in apps?

I went into Androud Notifucations menu and dusabled notifications from the Google Play Store and that did the trick for me.
Duke's user avatar
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Pokémon Go without Google at all

Unfortunately Creating a Google Account is currently your only option, It's not hard to create a new account and it will probably be beneficial for many other applications you might download. It's ...
Empire of E's user avatar
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Google Play Games profile fails to change my game profile to public

In the About me section of your google profile is where you can make your profile public or private.
Honesty's user avatar
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