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2 votes

Can't install Samsung Smart Switch

It turns out there's a 'Smart Switch Agent' app preinstalled at /system/app/SmartSwitchAgent/SmartSwitchAgent.apk with application ID You can interact with it through ...
cachius's user avatar
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2 votes

How to add Samsung Galaxy backup to a Xiaomi (different Android) phone?

You can't. The Samsung Switch software allows taking a backup from most non-Samsung phones including iPhone and old Windows phones and, of course, other Android phones, but can only recover backups to ...
ChanganAuto's user avatar
1 vote

Samsung Smart Switch - Do I need the same version of an app on both phones?

For many of the applications that I transferred, only the app itself is transferred, not the data, so it becomes irrelevant if the versions are the same or not. I do not know if this is always the ...
sancho.s ReinstateMonicaCellio's user avatar

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