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2 votes

Accept call then play a pre-recorded voice message to caller

This is not currently possible. There is no API for that. The MediaPlayer API docs say: Note: You can play back the audio data only to the standard output device. Currently, that is the mobile ...
Peter V. Mørch's user avatar
1 vote

How to retrieve my voicemail messages to audio files?

Could you physically save them in a analogous manner? You know, record them with another device whilst playing them from your phone.
Archerbob's user avatar
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1 vote

How to retrieve my voicemail messages to audio files?

I assume the apps you have tried are working like call recorders, but as far as I know call recording no longer works on recent Android versions. On modern mobile networks everything is IP as well, ...
Robert's user avatar
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1 vote

Auto voice reply to phone calls?

That is possible, you can record a greeting in the Google Voice app. Take a further look here. Hope that helps.
Ole Pannier's user avatar
1 vote

Preventing your device from vibrating whenever it gains or loses its mobile network connection

I found a relevant forum post by Kathy Mansfield. The post guided me towards a solution that works. Open the Phone app. Press the three-dots icon in the top-right-hand corner of the ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
1 vote

If I "swipe down to reject", will caller get a chance to leave voicemail?

Google's Phone app Help implies that I can safely reject the calls: To reject the call, swipe the white circle to the bottom of the screen when your phone is locked, or tap Dismiss. followed by: ...
natevw's user avatar
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How do I send all calls from a contact to voicemail in Android 7 (LG phone)?

You should still be able to accomplish this through a different route. being that you are using an LG on T-Mobile, I'll give you instructions from T-Mobile's website on how it's done on an LG G5. Go ...
aBochur's user avatar
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